Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Super moment - so a disc can become two?

A DVD with subtitles and some other stuff, already more than 700MB of the bottom line, if he is unable to separate the moment, to burn to two disks is a waste. How can a CD disc in the DVD files on it right now?

Many people want to use CD DVD disc to store files, a DVD with subtitles and some other stuff, already more than 700MB of the bottom line, if he is unable to separate the moment, to burn to two disks is a waste. How can a CD disc in the DVD files on it right now? This requires use of the ultra-burner carved.

Of course, the super moment is conditional. First of all, you need to have a moment to support ultra-burning machine, and now on the market, many market such products are marked features, but the best business advice to clear. Second, your software should be able to support over engraved, and now have sent the recorder to buy burning software Nero on it. Of course, you can also try other burning software to download, but from the in Practice, Nero Ultra software commonly used this feature very powerful moment, do not detour the. Also, do not forget, we must trust the quality of the disc to buy, can not save money, to burn out when the dish had become waste. Finally, you should also have a brave heart, because the moment is to bear the risk over, the world can be no free lunch, remember. However, the following steps, step by step to try, more training, master, super moment will be as simple as eating.

Well, we now try to super-engraved. In general, the edge of the disc will leave enough room for some of it and the inside part of the disc, as are coated with coating, this is the physical support over engraved, carved over the information that we write in this place is . Will be prepared CD into the burner next step is to test this CD to see how much it really can be super moment, so we can decide how much data to DVD or put to more appropriate.

Open the Nero CD Speed program, the menu bar, select "Extra-Overburning test", the dialog box to have you put this information on CD-ROM, such as capacity, maximum time, manufacturers and so on. Upper right corner of the dialog box has a button "Start", press down test begins. After testing, the program will bring up a prompt box, which is in accordance with the time to explain the proposed super moment to tell you that CD burning up to the time, of course, you also can be converted into volume (this time it down the back useful) . Then select "Yes", return to the starting dialog box procedure, which has the test results, the progress bar on behalf of the green part of the actual disc recording capacity, the yellow part of the moment on behalf of the disks can be super-capacity. General Data, or DVD of slightly less than the maximum capacity can be as different discs may also have small differences.

After completion of testing, we can burn the actual CD. First of all you have to choose a good or a DVD data file, right-click Properties to understand the data or DVD file size, not just, or more than the maximum capacity limit. Then start Nero Express, and we should be set on the recording. Click the main interface, "more - set" in the pop-up dialog box, select "Advanced Properties" option, which the box "start over burning function" (please note the following instructions) to tick, in the following "Maximum length CD," Department, began to fill the test results (that is, to the time you write it down), you can fill a little bit to small, it could fill so many, but not too slow when put file. To note here, to choose the time displayed. Confirmed, save back the main interface.

This time back to the familiar interface, and in accordance with the normal burning of steps can be carried out over moment, pay attention to the burning process is best not to run other programs, this will increase the success rate of burning.

OK, for the moment is over, as long as the conditions to meet the ultra-carved, and then step by step test, set, and finally burn the success rate is high. However, the super-engraved on the recorder is a test, if not absolutely necessary, or honestly normal burn better.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Free from interference, I use parental controls Assistant Ada

Author: Xiao-

Ada Parental Control Assistant

Software Version: 3.80

Software platform: Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP

Software Type: Shareware

Software size: 1.5MB


Software Description: Let the children use the computer sparingly, and allow them to stay away from the Internet, pornography, violence and other harmful content, it is every parent's responsibility and obligation. Parents can not always keep the total around the child, monitoring his every move. So, with a good software to control children's behavior on the computer has become an excellent choice. "Ada parental control assistant" is such a practical computer use and management of restricted software.

The software can log the user in the form of records of any action done to monitor the user visited the site and built-in screen a large number of pornographic websites. Of course, users can add their own need to limit children browsing the Web. To prevent the impact of children prolonged use of computer vision and learning, the software can help parents control the length of time each day to run the computer and the setting of daily computer time can be opened. In order to ensure the accuracy of the time control, you can even use the software to connect ten two atomic clock Internet access to standard time.

Basic Settings

Figure 1, the main interface of the software settings

Install and run "Ada parental control assistant", will pop up software settings interface, and a small icon in the taskbar appears. In the basic settings (Figure 1), you can add, edit or delete the control rules. Control rules are divided into "control time", "implementation of the rules," "control task" 3. In the "control time", you can set the implementation of control tasks in a day or a specific length of time;

"Implementation of the rules" is used to set the control task execution cycle is one day or several days each week, but also specific to the years on one day;

"Control task" is to specify the rules to control the implementation of specific actions: "Using the System Control login screen" (do this, then the kids log on the computer after the software settings to be subject to the control rules), "Prohibition of open computer "and" system sleep. " In this way, you can control rules to limit the kids play on the computer time to use them sparingly computer. However, if you boot the period of time in the prohibition of a sudden want to use a computer must boot into the operating system before after a row about "F8" key, then enter safe mode, the computer time to boot is not prohibited period, again Restart your computer normally before entering operating system.

Advanced Settings

Figure 2 Advanced Settings dialog box

In the interface (Figure 2), you can set the "prevent users from browsing pornographic websites", you can also "set up a website" to add additional need to ban the site visit. In the "prevent users from using certain programs" option, you can set some of the hard disk can not let the children running. Through the "View log", you can understand their children off the computer for each operation, and "prohibited log" so you can check whether the child had "illegal operations" if it is found clues may be necessary to enlighten them with reason , and emotionally moving, do not let the children go astray Oh! In addition, the implementation of the "when running the software against the user to modify the system time" this option is also very necessary, otherwise bright child changed the system time, you will exist in name only of those who control rules.

In addition, you can let the software run automatically after boot, and hide from the icon; the "Set password" can be unlawful to modify your control rules. Through "time correction" you can connect to 12 sites for the Internet atomic clock standard time.


Figure 3 "rapid implementation" dialog box

To complete the necessary settings, just click "Run", "Ada parental control assistant" began to rule as you set the control to help you manage your child use a computer.

Right-click the software icon, you can also use the "rapid implementation" feature (Figure 3), to achieve an immediate shutdown, reboot, hibernate, lock systems.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

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In layman's eyes, to see is a furniture business of Chinese enterprises legendary stories and her "weird" leaders. In 2005, an "unstoppable trend" sweeping the entire IT industry for many entrepreneurs trying to prepare the Chinese people are encouraged - the Chinese people and created a world-class software company.

The trend of employees in the eyes, to see is a prosperous business in the company and several pro-and added, "the boss", an all-encompassing corporate university. "Joy at Work" and "have fun" for many young people willing to start their work life has been met.

Now, more and more competitors to see a "run" trend. Although China is not the first start, but the results can speak, these "opponents" found that good at innovation, courage to change the trend in technology seems to do some "can not stop" the.

In the end, "Trend Micro" is what kind of business? Took 8 months of Trend Micro (China) Co., Ltd. has its own remain a top some insight.

"Run" trend

Things such as the Bureau of new chess game.

Many people remain a top the impression that he was from Microsoft (China) Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager of identity began. Stroke, remain a top, the Trend Micro has been appointed China's new Marshal nearly eight months. So, these days, what he busy?

Remain a top, led by the Trend Micro security services further established from the "product orientation" to the "customer oriented" changes.


濡傛灉鎹綔浠ュ墠锛屼綘鏃犺濡備綍涔熸兂涓嶅埌涓?釜鍦ㄥ井杞?鑰?2骞寸殑骞磋交浜轰細鏉ヤ竴瀹朵富钀ヤ俊鎭畨鍏ㄧ殑鍏徃銆傚湪璁稿浜虹湅鏉ワ紝寰蒋鍒涙柊鐨勭悊蹇点?鐮斿彂鐨勭鐞嗐?婵?儏鐨勪紒涓氭枃鍖栫瓑锛岄兘鍊煎緱澶т功鐗逛功锛屾嬁鏉ヤ笌鍥藉唴浼佷笟鍒嗕韩銆?br />
鍦ㄤ粠浜氬お鍖虹嫭绔嬪嚭鏉ョ殑鍓?涓崐鏈堥噷锛岀嫭绔嬭繍浣滅殑瓒嬪娍绉戞妧涓浗鍦ㄥ彾浼熶鸡鐨勫甫棰嗕笅鎸夌収棰勬湡瑙勫垝锛屽強鏃舵湁鏁堝湴瀹屾垚浜嗗彉鑴哥殑瓒嬪娍绉戞妧锛屾笭閬撴灦鏋勫拰鏀跨瓥鎴愬姛甯冨眬浜浉銆傚彾浼熶鸡杩樺己璋冧簡浠栧湪涓婁换浠ユ潵鑷村姏鐨勪笁浠朵簨:鍔犲己瓒嬪娍绉戞妧鍚屼腑鍥芥斂搴滈儴闂ㄥ拰涓氱晫鐨勫悎浣滃拰鏀寔锛屽杩涘悓鍚堜綔浼欎即涓庢笭閬撲箣闂寸殑鍚堜綔锛屽拰鎵撻?涓?釜鏇翠负寮烘湁鍔涚殑缁勭粐鍥㈤槦銆?br />
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2005骞村瞾鏈紝鍙朵紵浼︽涓嶇姽璞湴鍚戞笭閬撲紮浼存姭闇蹭簡鍒氬垰鏋勫缓瀹屾垚鐨勭煩闃靛瀷缁勭粐鏋舵瀯钃濆浘锛屽悓鏃朵笌娓犻亾浼欎即涓?捣鍒嗕韩浜嗘湭鏉ラ拡瀵逛笉鍚屽鎴风被鍨嬭?璁捐鐨勪笉鍚屽競鍦哄畾浣嶅拰浜у搧锛屼互鍙婅秼鍔跨鎶?嵆灏嗗?瀵肩殑鈥滆摑娴锋垬鐣モ?銆?br />

鍦ㄥ洟缁撴笭閬撲紮浼寸殑鍚屾椂锛屽彾浼熶鸡鍜屼粬鐨勪腑鍥藉洟闃熶篃鏇村鍦拌?铏戝埌浜嗗競鍦哄拰瀹㈡埛缇や綋鐨勭粏鍒嗐?鎹彾浼熶鸡浠嬬粛锛岀洰鍓嶈秼鍔跨鎶?腑鍥芥鍦ㄥ疄琛屸?浠ュ鎴蜂负瀵煎悜鈥濈殑缁忚惀绛栫暐锛屽涓嶅悓瀹㈡埛閲囩敤涓嶅悓鐨勭瓥鐣ャ?涓嶅悓鐨勫競鍦烘墜娉曪紝杩欏氨鏄綋鍓嶈蒋浠堕鍩熷?鍙楀叧娉ㄧ殑鈥滆摑娴锋垬鐣モ?銆?br />
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濡傛灉鎹綔浠ュ墠锛屼綘鏃犺濡備綍涔熸兂涓嶅埌涓?釜鍦ㄥ井杞?鑰?2骞寸殑骞磋交浜轰細鏉ヤ竴瀹朵富钀ヤ俊鎭畨鍏ㄧ殑鍏徃銆傚湪璁稿浜虹湅鏉ワ紝寰蒋鍒涙柊鐨勭悊蹇点?鐮斿彂鐨勭鐞嗐?婵?儏鐨勪紒涓氭枃鍖栫瓑锛岄兘鍊煎緱澶т功鐗逛功锛屾嬁鏉ヤ笌鍥藉唴浼佷笟鍒嗕韩銆?br />
鍦ㄤ粠浜氬お鍖虹嫭绔嬪嚭鏉ョ殑鍓?涓崐鏈堥噷锛岀嫭绔嬭繍浣滅殑瓒嬪娍绉戞妧涓浗鍦ㄥ彾浼熶鸡鐨勫甫棰嗕笅鎸夌収棰勬湡瑙勫垝锛屽強鏃舵湁鏁堝湴瀹屾垚浜嗗彉鑴哥殑瓒嬪娍绉戞妧锛屾笭閬撴灦鏋勫拰鏀跨瓥鎴愬姛甯冨眬浜浉銆傚彾浼熶鸡杩樺己璋冧簡浠栧湪涓婁换浠ユ潵鑷村姏鐨勪笁浠朵簨:鍔犲己瓒嬪娍绉戞妧鍚屼腑鍥芥斂搴滈儴闂ㄥ拰涓氱晫鐨勫悎浣滃拰鏀寔锛屽杩涘悓鍚堜綔浼欎即涓庢笭閬撲箣闂寸殑鍚堜綔锛屽拰鎵撻?涓?釜鏇翠负寮烘湁鍔涚殑缁勭粐鍥㈤槦銆?br />
涓嶈繃锛屼簨鎯呭苟涓嶉兘鏄竴甯嗛椤猴紝鎸戞垬渚濈劧寰堝ぇ銆備緥濡傦紝鍙朵紵浼﹀氨鏀跺埌浜嗕笉灏戞潵鑷笭閬撳拰鍚堜綔浼欎即鐨勬姳鎬紝璇磋秼鍔跨鎶?殑娓犻亾鏀跨瓥鍙樺寲澶揩锛屼粬浠緢闅捐窡涓婏紝鏇撮毦棰勬湡鏈潵鐨勫彂灞曘?鏈夌潃闀挎椂闂存笭閬撳伐浣滅粡楠岀殑鍙朵紵浼︽繁鐭ュ叾涓埄瀹筹紝鍦ㄥ畨鍏ㄨ涓氾紝鈥滃緱娓犻亾鑰呭緱澶╀笅鈥濈殑灞?潰鑷充粖娌℃湁鏀瑰彉銆?br />
2005骞村瞾鏈紝鍙朵紵浼︽涓嶇姽璞湴鍚戞笭閬撲紮浼存姭闇蹭簡鍒氬垰鏋勫缓瀹屾垚鐨勭煩闃靛瀷缁勭粐鏋舵瀯钃濆浘锛屽悓鏃朵笌娓犻亾浼欎即涓?捣鍒嗕韩浜嗘湭鏉ラ拡瀵逛笉鍚屽鎴风被鍨嬭?璁捐鐨勪笉鍚屽競鍦哄畾浣嶅拰浜у搧锛屼互鍙婅秼鍔跨鎶?嵆灏嗗?瀵肩殑鈥滆摑娴锋垬鐣モ?銆?br />

鍦ㄥ洟缁撴笭閬撲紮浼寸殑鍚屾椂锛屽彾浼熶鸡鍜屼粬鐨勪腑鍥藉洟闃熶篃鏇村鍦拌?铏戝埌浜嗗競鍦哄拰瀹㈡埛缇や綋鐨勭粏鍒嗐?鎹彾浼熶鸡浠嬬粛锛岀洰鍓嶈秼鍔跨鎶?腑鍥芥鍦ㄥ疄琛屸?浠ュ鎴蜂负瀵煎悜鈥濈殑缁忚惀绛栫暐锛屽涓嶅悓瀹㈡埛閲囩敤涓嶅悓鐨勭瓥鐣ャ?涓嶅悓鐨勫競鍦烘墜娉曪紝杩欏氨鏄綋鍓嶈蒋浠堕鍩熷?鍙楀叧娉ㄧ殑鈥滆摑娴锋垬鐣モ?銆?br />

姝e洜濡傛锛屽彾浼熶鸡瀵瑰浜庘?涓?洿鍦ㄥ璺戔?鐘舵?涓殑瓒嬪娍绉戞妧琛ㄩ湶鍑洪毦寰楃殑鑷俊:鈥?005骞磋秼鍔跨鎶?湪鍏ㄧ悆甯傚満鐨勫噣閿?敭棰濅负6.219浜跨編鍏冿紝骞村闀跨巼杈?8%銆傚叕鍙哥殑缁忚惀鏀跺叆鍜屽噣鏀跺叆鍒嗗埆涓?.348浜跨編鍏冨拰1.59浜跨編鍏冦?鎴戜滑鐩镐俊涓嶄箙鐨勫皢鏉ュ緢鏈夊笇鏈涘湪閿?敭鏁板瓧涓婄獊鐮?0涓嚎銆傗?鑰岃鍙朵紵浼︽洿涓鸿嚜淇$殑鍙︿竴涓噸瑕佸師鍥犳槸锛岃秼鍔跨鎶?湪涓?簺淇℃伅瀹夊叏姣旇緝鍙戣揪鐨勫浗瀹讹紝姣斿缇庡浗銆佹棩鏈瓑锛岄兘宸茬粡鍋氬埌浜嗏?鏉?瘨锛濊秼鍔库?杩欐牱涓?釜姒傚康锛屽挨鍏舵槸鍦ㄩ偅浜涒?璐㈠瘜500寮衡?鐨勫ぇ浼佷笟锛岃繖璇存槑瓒嬪娍绉戞妧鍦ㄤ腑鍥藉競鍦轰篃鏄畬鍏ㄥ叿澶囪繖涓疄鍔涚殑銆?br />

鈥濅韩鍙楀伐浣滀箰瓒o紝鍦ㄥ伐浣滀腑瀵绘壘蹇箰銆傗?鍙朵紵浼︾巼棰嗙殑涓浗鍥㈤槦灏嗚秼鍔跨鎶?椿娉肩殑浼佷笟鏂囧寲鍙戞尌鍒颁簡鏋佽嚧銆?br />
鈥滃井绗戔?鐨勮秼鍔?br />

鈥滀韩鍙楀伐浣滀箰瓒o紝鎵句簺涔愬瓙鍚э紒鈥?br />
鍦ㄨ秼鍔跨鎶?殑浜烘墠鎷涜仒涔︿笂锛屼竴娈甸潪甯搁啋鐩殑璇濇挬鍔ㄧ潃璁稿鍒涗笟鑰呯殑蹇?鈥滃湪瓒嬪娍绉戞妧锛屾嫋闉嬨?鍙箰銆佺墰浠旇¥鏃╁凡鏄垜浠殑娉ㄥ唽鍟嗘爣锛屼細鐜╀細闂硅繕鑳戒笓娉ㄥ伐浣滄槸鎴戜滑鐨勬湰浜嬨?鎴戜滑鐩镐俊锛屼汉鍞湁蹇箰鍦板伐浣滐紝鎵嶈兘鍙戞尌娼滆兘锛屽垱閫犳渶楂樼哗鏁堛?鎴戜滑鑷村姏浜庤惀閫犱竴涓揩涔愮殑宸ヤ綔鐜锛岃澶т紮鐪熻瘹鐨勪簰鍔紝寮?斁鐨勬矡閫氥?鎴戜滑寰堜箰鎰忎笌浣犲垎浜?We make it a FUN place to work!鈥?br />
涔熸鍥犱负濡傛锛屼綔涓鸿秼鍔跨鎶?腑鍥藉競鍦虹殑棰嗗啗浜猴紝鍙朵紵浼︿笉姝竴娆″湴琛ㄧ幇鍑轰粬瀵硅秼鍔跨鎶?紒涓氭枃鍖栫殑璧炶祻銆傗?鐩墠锛岃秼鍔跨鎶?殑浼佷笟鏂囧寲锛屽儚鏋佷簡寰蒋5骞村墠鐨勪紒涓氭枃鍖栵紝鏄竴绉嶆垜姣旇緝鍠滄鐨勪紒涓氭枃鍖栥?杩欎篃鏄惛寮曟垜鍔犲叆瓒嬪娍绉戞妧鐨勫師鍥犱箣涓??鈥濆湪浠栫湅鏉ワ紝涓?釜浼佷笟鍦ㄥ揩閫熷闀跨殑鏃跺?锛屼紒涓氭槸鍏锋湁娲诲姏鐨勶紝瓒嬪娍鎭板ソ澶勫湪浜嗚繖鏍蜂竴涓樁娈碉紝鑰屼笖瓒嬪娍鐨勫垱濮嬩汉鏇存槸灏嗏?寰瑧鐫?伐浣溾?鐨勭悊蹇靛啓杩涗簡鍏徃鐨勫畻鏃紝鎴愪负浜嗗叕鍙糕?浠ヤ汉涓烘湰鈥濆缓璁句汉鍔涜祫婧愬钩鍙扮殑涓?釜鍏歌寖銆?br />

鏈変簡杩欐牱涓板帤鐨勪汉鎵嶅偍澶囷紝瀵逛簬涓浗鍖哄洟闃熺殑浜烘墠寤鸿鐩爣锛屽彾浼熶鸡鐨勫潶鐜囧嚭涔庤鑰呯殑棰勬枡:鈥滆繖娈垫椂闂翠簡瑙d簡涓?笅瓒嬪娍绉戞妧鐨勪汉鎵嶈鍒掞紝鎴戝彂鐜拌秼鍔跨鎶?腑鍥藉叕鍙歌繕鏈変竴浜涘彲浠ユ敼杩涚殑鍦版柟鈥濓紝浠栬繘涓?琛ュ厖閬?鈥滆秼鍔夸汉鎵嶈鍒掑凡缁忕撼鍏ユ垜鏈潵鐨勮秼鍔夸汉鎵嶈鍒掞紝灏辨槸寤虹珛涓?釜鈥樺皢瀹樺煿璁鍒掆?锛岀被浼糏T琛屼笟鐨勨?榛勫煍鍐涙牎鈥欍?杩欎簺鍩硅涔熻涓嶆槸浜у搧绛夌‖鎸囨爣鐨勫煿璁紝鑰屾槸鏇翠晶閲嶄簬浠栦滑缁煎悎鑳藉姏鐨勬彁楂橈紝杩欎簺浜哄皢缁勬垚瓒嬪娍绉戞妧鐨勭簿鑻遍儴闃熴?鈥濆姝わ紝鍙朵紵浼﹁涓猴紝浜烘墠鍥㈤槦鐨勫煿鍏讳笌缁勭粐瀹為檯涓婃槸涓?釜浼佷笟鐪熸杩堝悜鍥介檯鍖栬垶鍙扮殑閲嶈涓?銆傚洜涓鸿秼鍔跨鎶?槸涓秴鍥界晫鐨勫洟闃燂紝鍥犺?杩涜瓒呭浗鐣岀殑浜烘墠绠$悊涔熸槸灏や负閲嶈銆?br />


鈥滃垱鏂扳?鐨勮秼鍔?br />
甯傚満鐬伅涓囧彉锛屽偍澶囦簡鍏呰冻浜烘墠锛岀Н绱簡杩囧線鐨勬垚缁╋紝鏇村姞杩娇涓?釜浼佷笟涓嶈兘澧ㄥ畧鎴愯銆?br />


1988骞达紝褰撹秼鍔跨鎶?垰鍒氬湪缇庡浗娲涙潐鐭舵敞鍐屾垚绔嬫椂锛岃绠楁満鐥呮瘨鎵嶅垰鍒氬嚭鐜帮紝浠呮槸鐮村潖鐢佃剳鐨勭‖鐩樺拰鏁版嵁銆傞偅鏃剁殑瓒嬪娍绉戞妧鍏徃閲囩敤鐨勪粎浠呮槸鈥滅梾姣掕涓虹洃鎺р?鎶?湳锛屼互鍏虫敞妗岄潰璁$畻鏈虹殑闃叉瘨锛屽苟浜?989骞存帹鍑轰簡涓汉鐗堟潃姣掕蒋浠禤Ccillin銆?br />
鐒惰?锛屼笉涔呬箣鍚庣殑1990骞达紝褰撻渚嬩镜瀹崇綉缁滄湇鍔″櫒鐨勭梾姣掑湪缇庡浗琚彂鐜版椂锛屽紶鏄庢鏁忛攼鍦版剰璇嗗埌锛屽湪鏈潵鐨勭綉缁滅幆澧冧腑锛屾湇鍔″櫒灏嗗浜庣綉缁滅殑鏍稿績鍦颁綅锛屼繚鎶や綇浜嗙綉缁滄湇鍔″櫒锛屼篃灏变繚鎶や綇浜嗙綉缁滅殑鏍稿績璧勬簮銆傝?鏈潵鐨勫垎甯冨紡璁$畻锛屽悇绉嶅姛鑳芥湇鍔″櫒灏嗗崰鎹秺鏉ヨ秺閲嶈鐨勫湴浣嶃?褰撴椂锛屽叕鍙歌櫧鐒惰繕寰堝皬锛屼絾鍗撴湁杩滆鐨勫紶鏄庢闆嗕腑鎵?湁鐨勮祫婧愶紝涓庡浗闄呰憲鍚嶅叕鍙窱ntel鍚堜綔锛屽紑鍙戝嚭浜嗙涓?唬鏈嶅姟鍣ㄩ槻姣掓妧鏈?鈥擫ANDesk Virus Protect锛屾鎶?湳鑷充粖浠嶇晠閿?缇庛?鍒╃敤LANDesk Virus Protect鐨勬妧鏈熀纭?互鍙婂悗鏉ヨ幏寰楀椤瑰浗闄呬笓鍒╃殑鈥滅┖涓姄姣掆?鎶?湳锛岃秼鍔跨鎶?帹鍑轰簡鍚庢潵闂诲悕鍏ㄧ悆鐨勭綉鍏抽槻姣掑InterScan銆傚埌鐜板湪锛屾彁璧疯秼鍔跨鎶?叕鍙革紝浜轰滑棣栧厛鎯冲埌鐨勬槸瀹冪殑鍏堣繘鐨勬湇鍔″櫒闃叉瘨鎶?湳锛岃秼鍔跨鎶?篃鍥犳鑰岄椈鍚嶄簬涓栥?

杩欎簺杩樿繙杩滀笉鏄秼鍔跨鎶?繖鏍蜂竴瀹跺畨鍏ㄤ紒涓氭垚鍔熺殑鍏ㄩ儴锛?002骞达紝瓒嬪娍绉戞妧鐜囧厛鍦ㄥ叏鐞冩帹鍑轰簡閲岀▼纰戝紡鐨凟PS浼佷笟瀹夊叏闃叉姢鎴樼暐, 閲囧彇涓诲姩鎬х殑棰勯槻鎺柦锛屽湪鐥呮瘨鐖嗗彂鐨勫垵鏈熼?杩囦腑澶帶绠$郴缁熷強鏃堕儴缃查浠g爜锛屽苟瀵圭梾姣掕繘琛岀敓鍛藉懆鏈熺殑绠$悊锛屼粠鑰屼娇鐢ㄦ埛寰楀埌鏈?ぇ闄愬害鐨勫畨鍏ㄤ繚璇併?

鍚屾椂锛岃秼鍔跨鎶?洿鍔犲紑濮嬫敞閲嶆湇鍔$殑鍝佽川锛屽叾浼佷笟涓撳睘鍜ㄨ鏈嶅姟鈥擯SP锛圥remium Support Program锛夎嚜浠庢帹鍑轰互鏉ワ紝灏卞彈鍒颁簡浼楀鍥介檯鎬уぇ浼佷笟鐨勯潚鐫愩?

鐒惰?锛岄潰涓存敼鍙樻槸寰堢棝鑻︾殑銆備粠浠ヤ骇鍝佹妧鏈负瀵煎悜鍒颁互瀹㈡埛涓轰腑蹇冿紝鐮斿彂宸ョ▼甯堜笉鍐嶆槸浠ュ線鎯熸垜鐙皧鐨勮嫳闆勶紝杩欎竴蹇冩?璋冩暣鐨勮繃绋嬪涓汉鐢氳嚦浼佷笟鑰岃█鏄緢澶х殑鎸戞垬銆?br />
瀵规锛屽彾浼熶鸡鎶婂畨鍏ㄤ紒涓氭瘮鍋氫竴涓尰鐢?鈥滃氨鍍忓尰鐢熶箣浜庣梾浜洪偅鏍凤紝鎴愬姛鐨勯槻姣掍笓瀹舵湇鍔℃柟妗堬紝搴旇瑕侀拡瀵瑰唴閮ㄧ殑闅愭?濞佽儊锛岃瘖鐤楁妸鑴夛紝閲忚韩璁綔锛屾彁渚涙湭闆ㄧ桓缂殑棰勯槻鎬х淮鎶わ紝浠ラ槻姝㈢梾姣掔垎鍙戯紝骞剁‘淇濊惀杩愪笉涓柇銆傚挨鍏堕噸瑕佺殑鏄紝杩欎簺闃叉瘨涓撳鏈嶅姟鏂规锛屽簲璇ユ彁渚涘叏澶╁?鎴掑鐨勯槻姣掍笓瀹躲?瀹夊叏濞佽儊鐢熷懡鍛ㄦ湡鐨勫叏绋嬬鐞嗭紝鍐嶅姞涓婇?杩囩嫭鐗圭殑璇勯噺鏂规硶锛屾潵璇勪及椤惧鐨勫畨鍏ㄩ槻鎶ゆ晥鏋溿?鈥?br />
鍦ㄨ繖涓?鎯崇殑鎸囧紩涓嬶紝鍙朵紵浼﹀強涓?紬瓒嬪娍绉戞妧鍚屼粊涔熷紑濮嬬洰鍓嶇殑甯傚満鐜涓嬪姹傚畨鍏ㄤ紒涓氱殑涓?釜鍏ㄦ柊鐨勭獊鐮寸偣锛屽挨鍏舵槸闅忕潃涓浗甯傚満涓?G鎶?湳鏍囧噯鐨勬垚鐔燂紝澶氱缃戠粶鐨勮瀺鍚堣鍚勭瀹夊叏闅愭偅鏃ョ泭鍑告樉銆傗?瓒嬪娍绉戞妧鐨勫弽鐥呮瘨璺嚎涓嶄細鏀瑰彉锛屼絾鏄細鍑虹幇婕斿寲銆傝秼鍔跨鎶?浠庨槻鐥呮瘨杞欢鍘傚晢锛屽悜涓哄鎴锋彁渚涗俊鎭畨鍏ㄦ湇鍔$殑鍏徃杞瀷鈥濄?鍙朵紵浼﹁〃绀?鈥滆繖涓畨鍏ㄦ湇鍔″皢鏄鏂逛綅鐨勶紝瀹冨皢璺ㄨ秺澶氱鎶?湳棰嗗煙锛岄?杩団?涓诲姩寮忛槻姣掓湇鍔♀?瀵规湭鐭ョ殑濞佽儊杩涜闃叉姢銆傝繖褰掓牴缁撳簳鏄渶瑕佸巶鍟嗕笌瀹㈡埛杩涜涓诲姩绱у瘑鐨勫悎浣滐紝鐢氳嚦鍍忓尰鐢熶笌鐥呬汉灏卞瓨鍦ㄧ潃鐨勫悇绉嶆湁纰嶅仴搴风殑瀹夊叏闅愭偅杩涜娌熼?鍜屼氦娴併?鈥?br />
鍚屾椂锛岃繖绉嶅畨鍏ㄢ?浜ゆ祦鈥濈殑鑼冨洿涔熻秺鏉ヨ秺骞?鐢氳嚦鐬勫噯浜嗙伀鐖嗙殑绉诲姩閫氫俊瀹夊叏鏈嶅姟銆?006骞?瓒嬪娍绉戞妧涓庝腑鍥界涓?棬鎴风綉绔欌?鈥旀柊娴綉鐗垫墜锛屽叡鍚屽紑鍒涗簡鍥藉唴瀹夊叏鍘傚晢涓嶴P杩愯惀鍟嗗湪绉诲姩涓氬姟瀹夊叏闃叉姢棰嗗煙鍚堜綔鐨勫厛娌炽?杩欎釜鏈嶅姟涓炬帾鐨勫疄鏂戒篃鏍囧織鐫?秼鍔跨鎶?粡钀ュ畨鍏ㄦ湇鍔$殑鏂扳?鏀瑰彉鈥濈巼鍏堣蛋鍑轰簡瀹炶川鎬х殑涓?銆?br />
姝e鍙樹笌涓嶅彉涔嬮棿锛屽彾浼熶鸡鏃紶鎵夸簡鍒涘浜哄紶鏄庢鍏堢敓鈥滅嫭鐗圭殑鍩哄洜鈥濓紝涔熷湪缁忚惀鐫?嚜宸辩殑鍘熷垯銆備竴鏂归潰锛屼粬鏁簬鏀瑰彉銆佸媷浜庝笌浼椾笉鍚岋紝鍚屾牱鍊″浜彈宸ヤ綔涔愯叮鐨勨?鎵句箰瀛愨?鍝插;鍙︿竴鏂归潰锛屾湁浜涗簨鎯呬粬鍒欏缁堜笉鎳堝湴鍧氭寔鎺㈢储锛屾瘮濡傚垱鏂版妧鏈笌瑙傚康绐佺牬銆?br />



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